This pan will only work on #1 and #11 longspring traps with a pan that is attached with a bolt. These are the same as the standard 1.5 pan I make. These pans work on all #1 or #11 longsprings that are attached with a bolt, including double jawed versions.
This pan is the best double post pan available for Mink and Muskrat Trappers today! It is made from heavy 14 gauge steel, and comes ready to bolt on your traps.
Over-sized Pan - Larger surface area than a stock pan.
Light Pan Tension – The pan tension is designed for Muskrat and Mink trapping.
Large Dog/Pan Connection - The larger the area that the dog and pan connect the smoother the action of the pan. This also lets it performs better in areas where the water rusts traps quickly.
Visible Opening - The opening in pan to see how far the dog is engaged.
Pre-bent Tabs- Pan tabs are bent down and ready to install when you get them.
Made of Heavy Duty Steel - 14 gauge steel lets these pans hold up to any raccoon, otter or beavers you may catch in the water.
All Installation Hardware is Included.